Mechwarrior 3050 |

Mega Man X |

Mega Man's Soccer |

MLBPA Baseball |

Musya - The Classic Japanese Tale Of Horror |

NBA Live'98 |

NBA Showdown |

NCAA Basketball |

NCAA Football |

NFL Quaterback Club |

NFL Quaterback Club'96 |

NHL Stanley Cup |

NHL'94 |

NHL'97 |

Out of This World |

Pacific Theather of Operations |

Pebble Beach Golf Links |

PGA Tour 96 |

PGA Tour Golf |

Phalanx - The Enforce Fighter A-144 |

Phantom 2040 |

Prince of Persia |

Redline F-1 Racer |

Riddick Bowe Boxing |

Robocop 3 |

Robocop Versus The Terminator |

Robotrek |

Roger Clemens'MVP Baseball |

Scooby-Doo |

Secret of Mana |

Secret of the Stars |

Shadowrun |

Sim City |

Sim Earth - The Living Planet |

Sonic Blast Man |

Space Football - One on One |
Space Invaders (sous cello) |

Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos |

Spider-Man & the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge |

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage |

Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball |

Star Fox |

Sterling Sharpe - End 2 End |

Street Fighter II - The World Warrior |

Super Black Bass |

Super Caesars Palace |

Super Castlevania IV |

Super Ghouls'N Ghosts |

Super High Impact |

Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars |